Our dentists and team utilize iTero® digital scanning technology to provide you with precise and efficient dental care. This cutting-edge system captures detailed, three-dimensional images of your mouth, offering a comprehensive view for accurate diagnoses and effective treatments as well as providing you with highly accurate digital impressions.

Benefits of iTero digital scanning include:

  • High-Quality Imaging: iTero digital scanning captures up to 20 images per second in full color. This allows us to easily differentiate between healthy and diseased tissue, ensuring accurate and effective treatment planning.
  • Comfort and Convenience: The scanning process is quick and comfortable. A small, handheld wand is used to capture images of your teeth and gums without the need for messy, uncomfortable impression materials.
  • Accurate Digital Models: The high-resolution images are processed in real-time, creating precise digital models of your mouth. These models are essential for designing well-fitting dental appliances and restorations, such as clear aligners and dental crowns.
  • Treatment Simulation: iTero technology can simulate your treatment outcome, giving you a clear visual of the expected results before starting the procedure. This helps in understanding the treatment plan and setting realistic expectations.
  • Efficiency: Images are saved automatically every few seconds, eliminating the need for repeated scans and reducing your time in the dental chair.

During your visit, our dentists or a member of our hygiene team will use the iTero scanner to capture images of your mouth. The process is simple and noninvasive:

  • Scan: The wand is gently moved over your teeth and gums, capturing detailed images.
  • Process: The captured images are processed simultaneously, providing an immediate and accurate view of your mouth.
  • Review: These images allow us to diagnose issues and plan treatments with high precision.

To experience the benefits of iTero digital scanning in Paoli, Pennsylvania, contact Paoli Family Dentistry at 610-647-0353 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rajeev Gowda or Dr. Julia LeCavalier today. We are dedicated to providing you with the excellent dental care and helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.