Tooth extraction, the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone, is sometimes necessary to maintain your oral health. While Dr. Rajeev Gowda and Dr. Julia LeCavalier prioritize preserving your natural teeth, certain conditions may require extraction to ensure the health and functionality of your smile.

There are several reasons why a tooth might need to be extracted, including:

  • Severe Infection: If an infection has destroyed a significant portion of the tooth and the surrounding bone structure, extraction may be the best solution to prevent the spread of the infection.
  • Serious Decay: When decay damages a tooth beyond repair, making restoration impossible, extraction becomes necessary to prevent further complications.
  • Crowding: Sometimes, there is not enough room in the mouth for all your teeth. Extracting one or more teeth can help align the remaining teeth properly.
  • Impacted Teeth: Teeth that are unable to emerge properly from the gum line can cause pain and damage to adjacent teeth, necessitating extraction.

Our dentists and team will ensure that your tooth extraction procedure is as comfortable as possible. To ensure your comfort, we will administer local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth. The tooth will then be removed from your mouth as gently as possible using specialized instruments. Following your procedure, we will provide you with detailed post-op care instructions to help you recover. If needed, we will also work with you to find the right option for replacing the missing tooth or teeth.

For more information about tooth extractions in Paoli, Pennsylvania, and to schedule a consultation with our experienced dentists, please call Paoli Family Dentistry at 610-647-0353.