Tooth-colored dental fillings, also known as composite fillings, are a popular choice for repairing teeth affected by decay, cracks or fractures. These fillings are designed to blend seamlessly with the natural color of your teeth, providing a discreet and aesthetically pleasing result. Paoli Family Dentistry proudly offers composite fillings to ensure your smile remains as natural-looking as possible.

Benefits of tooth-colored fillings include:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Composite fillings are made from a resin material that can be closely matched to the color of your existing teeth, making them virtually invisible.
  • Bonding Strength: The material used in composite fillings bonds directly to your tooth structure, offering excellent support and durability.
  • Versatility: Composite fillings can be used for both front and back teeth, ensuring a natural look regardless of where the filling is needed.
  • Minimally Invasive: Less of your natural tooth structure needs to be removed compared to traditional silver amalgam fillings.
  • Improved Functionality and Longevity: The resin material used in these fillings adapts well to the natural expansion and contraction of your teeth when exposed to hot and cold foods, reducing the risk of cracks and fractures.
  • A Healthier and Safer Choice: Composite fillings do not contain mercury or other metals, which are components of silver amalgam fillings. This makes composite fillings a healthier choice.

The process of getting a tooth-colored filling is straightforward and typically requires just one visit to our office. When you receive a filling, you can expect the following procedure:

  1. Preparation: Our dentists will first remove the decayed or damaged portion of the tooth and clean the area thoroughly.
  2. Application: The composite resin is applied in layers. Each layer is hardened using a special light.
  3. Shaping: Once the filling material is in place, our dentists will shape the filling to match the contours of your tooth.
  4. Polishing: The final step involves polishing the filling to ensure it blends smoothly with your natural tooth and provides a comfortable bite.


If you have a cavity or need to replace an old filling, tooth-colored fillings might be the ideal solution for you. They provide a strong, long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing way to restore your teeth and maintain your beautiful smile. For more information about tooth-colored dental fillings in Paoli, Pennsylvania, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rajeev Gowda or Dr. Julia LeCavalier, please contact our office at 610-647-0353. We are here to help you achieve and maintain optimal dental health.